Hello there 👋🏻

Welcome to my blog about mobile applications development (mainly for Apple platforms).

➡️ Expect to read here about automated tests (unit, snapshot, UI), FRP, SwiftUI and many other topics that will improve your day to day coding. 🧑‍💻

➡️ I’m here not only to share, but also to learn. If you have any suggestion how I can improve my writting, feel free to reach me! 🤙

➡️ My name is Maciej and I’m going to be your guide through the world of mobile applications development. 🚀

📚 Enjoy the reading! 📚

Combine: flatMap, map + switchToLatests (flatMapLatest) demystified

Intro Combine is a framework made by Apple designed to support us in writing code that could be way more complex if written in an imperative way. It’s often said that with great power comes great responsibility. Therefore, as developers, it’s essential for us to understand how to harness it, so it does not backfire. Today, we’re going to take a closer look 👀 at a few Combine operators, showcasing their practical application....

April 11, 2024 · 7 min · Maciej Gomolka

Testing SwiftData and the Query property wrapper through an example

We’re just after this year’s WWDC where we had a chance to witness the unveiling of a new persistence framework called SwiftData. Naturally, I couldn’t resist delving deeper into it. One particular topic that caught my attention was the observation of local storage using Query and its testability. Read more on Medium

June 25, 2023 · Maciej Gomolka

Keep your project clean using synx

A tool written in Ruby which can keep your project and a .pbxproj file clean. A valuable ally when solving complex conflicts inside the project file. Read more on Medium

October 21, 2021 · Maciej Gomolka